“It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.”

– Hippocrates

About Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a 200+ year healing modality. Homeopathy sees that health and illness happen to an individual rather than to isolated parts, and that all symptoms are related to an underlying energetic imbalance.

Using nano-particles from natural substances, called remedies, homeopathy works by understanding that underlying energetic imbalance and matching it to a remedy to stimulate and support the body to re-balance itself.

Homeopathy is so powerful that it can help shift energetic imbalances that have been stuck for a life time or even earlier.

Homeopathic remedies do not cause side effects or interfere with medications, and homeopathy is safe for all ages, from infancy to later life stages.

There is no illness without an imbalance at the vital force level, and homeopathy helps by supporting the vital force to return to balance.

Healthy family out for a walk


According to the World Health Organization, Homeopathy is used in over 100 countries internationally, and is widely practiced in Europe, Asia, Africa. An estimated 30-40% of French doctors and 20% of German doctors prescribe homeopathic remedies. Additionally, 40% of British doctors refer patients to homeopathic doctors. Some people you may have heard of that use homeopathy include:

John D. Rockefeller lived to the ripe old age of 98 and was known to have his homeopath often travel with him. He said that homeopathy is “a progressive and aggressive step in medicine.”

Usain Bolt, Olympic sprinter and famed winner of numerous gold medals has been using homeopathy since the age of 16.

Paul McCartney of the Beatles has said, “I can’t manage without homeopathy. In fact, I never go anywhere without homeopathic remedies. I often make use of them.”

Cher has said, “I don’t think I’d still be around today if it weren’t for homeopathic medicine.”

And it’s available for you, too - reach out today to begin your own healing journey.

Healthy family, three generations

People diagnosed with the following conditions may benefit:

Chemical dependency
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Erectile dysfunction
Hormone imbalance
Immune issues
Irritable Bowel Syndrom
Physical pain
Skin issues
Sports injury
Women’s health

And so much more!

I have so much gratitude for the privilege to work with Sue. She is gentle, a great listener, intuitive and committed to being of service. I have and continue to notice a calmness and strength that I have been missing throughout these past Covid months and quarantine. Thank you Sue for your expertise and great care.
— Joanne G., Houston