Homeopathic Support for Intense Neuro Inflammation Symptoms

brain inflammation finger pointing to brain

This blog post describes three homeopathic remedies that can be supportive for children with symptoms of acute brain inflammation, such as that associated with PANS/PANDAS, mold toxicity, and autism.

Acute inflammation is a natural and important part of a healthy immune response and healing process. Chronic inflammation in any part of the body, especially the brain, is problematic. Neuro inflammation, or encephalitis, is inflammation in the brain and can be due to many things including pathogens such as virus or bacteria, and toxic exposure including mold and mycotoxins. Encephalitis can also be caused by an autoimmune reaction - a misdirected immune response where the body tries to fight a pathogen and, instead, fights itself.

Children are more vulnerable to toxins and infection than adults due to immature and porous blood-brain barrier, less mature liver and detox pathways, and a still developing immune system. If a child experiences neuro inflammation, the effects differ from adults due to the developing nature of the brain, as neuro inflammation may pause or change the development process of a young child in ways that will have different long term consequences, including autism. When experienced in childhood, neuro inflammation can be linked to both autism and PANS/PANDAS.

Neuro inflammation symptoms can be very difficult for both the child and the rest of the family. Symptoms of neuro inflammation can include rage, violent outbursts, anxiety, OCD, and insomnia. There is frequently great intensity to these symptoms. Neuro inflammation symptoms can be difficult to deal with and it’s important to realize the behaviors are due to something outside of the child’s control.

Actions to Reduce Intense Neuro Inflammation:

Step 1: Remove the source of the irritant to the brain. This may mean removing the pathogen or toxin including environmental toxins such as mold, heavy metals, chemicals, etc.

Step 2: Make dietary and lifestyle changes known to reduce inflammation. Remove dairy, gluten, sugar, artificial sweeteners, processed foods, etc. Reduce stress. Get good sleep. Get gentle exercise and outside time daily.

Step 3: If tolerated, consider supplements known to reduce neuro inflammation such as fish oil, tumeric, vitamin C, and vitamin D.

Step 4: Consider homeopathic support. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on symptoms; the following three remedies can be used for inflammation resulting in intense symptoms and behaviors:

  • Belladonna - a child needing Belladonna will have symptoms characterized by rage and heat. Red cheeks, glassy eyes, running “hot” and being intolerant of heat. There will also be heat on the emotional level - including emotional lability including irritability, anger and even violence. A child may be generally healthy and well balanced but, with surprising suddenness, change and be intensely upset. While upset, there may be violence in the picture ranging from pinching to hitting and spitting to acting with superhuman strength and destroying a room.

This was the first remedy prescribed for my son and it’s what opened my eyes to homeopathy. In his case, at 4 years old, he would fight his car seat with everything he had. Face red, bucking, screaming. We would both be sweating by the time he was buckled up. After his first dose of Bell he climbed into his car seat, sat down and calmly waited for me to buckle him up. That wasn’t his only remedy and his healing was a long journey, but it opened my eyes to the power of homeopathy.

  • Stramonium - a child needing Stramonium will have a combination of intense fears with marked temper that could include violent behavior such as biting, hitting, etc. There may be intense nightmares. The fear state will be so pronounced and real to the child that they may feel terror something could happen to them, they may try to help themslves by running away, being with a parent constantly, sleeping with parents and with the light on, etc.

In one case from my practice, taking Stram 30c supported a little girl and she returned to sleeping in her own room and through the night, and she completely stopped hitting her parents when she would get angry. Her angry outbursts reduced to once a week from multiple times per day.

  • Hyosasmus - a child that could benefit from Hyosamus may exhibit rage and being out of control, with or without violence, and with a shameless or lewd quality. Swearing and hitting can be seen, often with a wild feeling to it. They may be suspicious and very jealous. Their jealousy is often directed towards their mother and they may want all of their mother’s attention. Tics and spasms are hallmark, as is silly, annoying behavior.

A child in my practice was prescribed Hyos 30c for destructive rage that was accompanied by swearing and other attention seeking behaviors such as exposing her genitals and masterbating in public places. Outcomes included reduced jealousy and anger, reduced tics, and all public sexual behaviors stopped.

These are just three well known homeopathic remedies that can be supportive in dealing with the symptoms of neuro inflammation. There are many more, and selecting the best remedy for a child expericing symptoms of neuro inflammation due to PANS/PANDAS, autism, or some other source may not be straightforward. Consider working with a professional homeopath or getting training yourself to begin supporting your child.

Reach out today to learn more about how homeopathy can support neuro inflammation symptoms.


  • https://www.medschool.umaryland.edu/news/2023/new-research-shows-how-brain-inflammation-in-children-may-cause-neurological-disorders-such-as-autism-or-schizophrenia.html

  • https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-30730-1_30

  • https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0889159112003753

  • https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-93861-x

  • https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-30730-1_30

  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35013105/

  • https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/encephalitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20356136


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