One Year Anniversary with International Homeopaths 4 Autism!

It’s April, which is Autism Awareness month. Which is fitting, as this is the month - April 2024 - of my one year anniversary as a member of the amazing organization International Homeopaths for Autism (IH4A) and I am so pleased to share this testimonial to the power of working alongside talented, compassionate, and like-minded homeopaths with a common purpose.

International Homeopaths for Autism (IH4A) is a team of dedicated homeopathic specialists from across the globe working with families and children with neurological and developmental issues: Autism, ADHD, PANS, PANDAS, GDD, ODD, and more.

Together with Anandita, Izabela, Jackie, Lisa, Lucia, and Sathish, as a team of independent providers connected by common purpose, we meet weekly to discuss complex cases, share knowledge, support, and successes, and to give and receive referrals. Once every 3 months, we meet as a whole organization (three teams totaling 21 practitioners) for the same purpose. The collective knowledge is deep and, as a group, there isn’t much that hasn’t been seen. I have benefited tremendously over the past year and my gratitude for being on the team is deep.

Testimonial from the mother of a 17 year old client with Autism, “Her language is exploding, her moods are more stable, and she’s eating more foods. I can really see a difference, this is really awesome!”

If you or someone you know would like to learn more about how homeopathy can support neurodevelopmental issues, reach out today!

And reach out here to start your healing journey with homeopathy today!


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