Testimonial - Natrum muriaticum for Symptoms of Restless Leg

Jean* is a mom of a PANS/PANDAS child. She started homeopathic care for support with depression, long term grief, and daily restless leg symptoms. At the time of her initial appointment, Jean shared that she is someone that tends to hold her emotions in and that she can have a cool or aloof demeanor. She didn’t have a close relationship with her parents and that is a source of great sadness to her. She reports often feeling alone and vulnerable emotionally.

Jean’s restless leg symptoms were described as worse in the evenings with the sensation of tightness and constriction. She reported that the sensation felt better with stretching, movement, and cool applications and, as evenings progress, her legs start to feel increasingly uncomfortable to the point of pain. It might wake her up overnight and, if so, she would have a difficult time going back to sleep. The sensation was strongest around the knee area and the inner thigh. Hanging her legs off the edge of the bed and cooling down her legs occasionally helped.

The combination of her physical symptoms and emotional symptoms led me to prescribe Natrum muriaticum 200c, in water, 1 tsp daily. Natrum muriaticum is a good remedy for symptoms of restless leg, but is by no means the only remedy. Other top remedies include Zincum metallicum, Arsenicum album, and Ignatia, to name a few.

After several months, Jean reported that her restless leg symptoms are no longer noticeable. Additionally, she reported her depression had lightened and she was feeling more balanced and emotionally engaged and connected at home.

Homeopathy is about treating the whole person. Jean's response was very favorable for her most important symptoms and improvements were seen on emotional and physical levels. A remedy prescribed just on physical symptoms that didn’t match on the emotional level would likely not have resulted in the improvements seen here.

Homeopathy is about getting to the root of the problem rather than masking or suppressing the symptoms being expressed. Homeopathic philosophy tells us that our body, spirit, mind and emotions are all interconnected and that illness and symptoms are a result of lack of ease at our deepest level - our energetic core. This lack of ease, or dis-ease, at our energetic core can be due to trauma including an accident, a significant pathogen, or an emotional trauma, including generational trauma, that needs to be integrated. Dis-ease at our energetic core can be understood through the symptoms expressed and a remedy selected based on the totality of symptoms expressed. For each person, the symptom constellation will be different and, thus, a different remedy picture will be indicated. Homeopathy works by stimulating the energetic core of the person rather than individual symptoms and, when ease is restored, and the symptoms can be eliminated.

This idea was beautifully expressed by the 15th century philosopher Paracelsus well before homeopathy was established: “Those who merely study and treat the effects of disease are like those who imagine that they can drive away the winter by brushing the snow from the door. It is not the snow that causes the winter, but winter that causes the snow.”

Prognosis and next steps

When we see improvements of all important symptoms and no worsening of any important symptom, it is prudent to stay the course with the last successful remedy prescription. As such, Jean will continue with the 1 tsp of Natrum muriaticum 200c in daily. As a caregiver for a child with PANS/PANDAS, Jean lives with significant emotional and physical daily stress. Living with this chronic stress suggests she will likely benefit from ongoing care, possibly until her child is also in an improved state.

Reach out today to start your healing journey with homeopathy!

*not her real name


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