Homeopathic Support for Detoxification Pathways

Our bodies are brilliant in many ways, including our natural detoxification processes to remove unwanted chemicals from our bodies. When our natural abilities need additional support, homeopathy can help.

Our bodies use specific metabolic pathways to process and remove unwanted chemicals for elimination. There are two basic sources of unwanted chemicals to be detoxified –internal sources and external sources. Internal sources include byproducts from the work our cells do, called cellular byproducts. External sources include the everyday substances that we come into contact with such as mold, mycotoxins, paint VOCs, perfume, pesticides, etc. that aren’t good for our bodies and that need to be removed. Detoxification is the process of identifying and removing unwanted trash from within our bodies.

However, metabolic pathways can be insufficient to remove the necessary toxic load. This is often the case with kids with PANS/PANDAS and other complex and chronic conditions. For some, it’s due to an on-going exposure, like mold, that the body can’t eliminate fast enough to keep up with the ongoing exposure. For others, there’s an environmental toxin that is carcinogenic or, in some other way, toxic to the point of damaging the body’s cellular processes, which result in impairing the body’s detox pathways and reducing its capacity for detoxification. For still others, there is an infection that has created inflammation that reduces the body’s detoxification capability. Another unwanted chemical can be a hormonal imbalance such as an excess estrogen. There could also be a genetically reduced capacity to effectively eliminate toxins such as with the MTHFR defect, or a combination of any of these four. The result is a backup of trash that may have health implications if not addressed.

How do you know if you have a reduced capacity to detoxify? Here are a few indications your body may benefit from homeopathic detoxification support:

  • Strong reactions to detoxification supplements

  • Strong reactions to all supplements and medications

  • Reduced cognitive and mental abilities such as brain fog, difficulty finding words, etc

  • Chemical sensitivities

  • Low energy

  • Infrequent stool

  • Skin eruptions – acne, allergies, breakouts

  • Body odor and excessive sweating

  • Dark colored urine

  • Anxiety, depression, and any other mental health impact

  • Inflammatory conditions

What should be done when you suspect your detox pathways are sub-optimized? The first and best priority is to make sure you’re having daily stools. If not, try a few lifestyle supports such as castor oil liver packs, eating a high fiber diet, drinking adequate water, getting gentle exercise daily and possibly including a relaxation technique like meditation. Once daily stools are occurring, if additional support is still needed, here are a few homeopathic remedies that may provide additional support*:

  • Berberis 6c in 1 oz water – stimulates and supports the liver, gall bladder, and kidneys. The mental/emotional picture of someone that could benefit from Berberis is someone with difficulty thinking, becomes irritable, and has to stop. Berberis may also be indicated when there are sharp, stinging or colicky pains which radiate. Take 1 tsp daily as needed.

  • Cheledonium 6c in 1 oz water – supports the liver; the emotional picture of someone that could benefit is someone that is irritable with a domineering type personality with right sided complaints. Take 1 tsp daily as needed.

  • Sulphur 6c in 1 oz water – detox support for people that tend to be prone to skin eruptions, infections with excessive inflammation, and may have trouble digesting high sulphur foods, like eggs. Take 1 tsp daily as needed.

  • Nux vomica – 30c – provides intestine and liver support for acute over-indulgences in coffee, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and medications. The emotional picture of someone that could benefit from Nux vomica is someone preoccupied with work that is also impatient. Especially indicated for the “not finished” feeling after passing a stool. Take a dose daily for 5-7 days.

The above remedies are indicated for general detoxification pathway support. For situations where symptoms can be traced back to an individual known toxic substance or exposure, such as a hormone medication, pathogen, or chemical exposure, reach out to discuss homeopathic detoxification cleanses to re-balance your body’s response to that particular toxin.

*These are a few homeopathic remedies that can help with supporting detox pathways and are only general guidelines. As with all homeopathic recommendations, pause immediately if you experience a worsening of any symptom, and, for best results, work with a qualified homeopath to support your individual needs.

Reach out to start your healing journey with homeopathy today!


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