Homeopathy for OCD Support

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder characterized by a pattern of unwanted and uncontrollable thoughts and fears (obsessions) and/or the driving desire to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Examples of obsessions include a fear of germs, unwanted thoughts about losing control, and fear of something bad happening to you or a loved one. Compulsions and compulsive behaviors can feel necessary to relieve the internal pressure that the obsessions create. Compulsive behaviors can temporarily relieve the suffering from the obsession, but the relief is short lived. Examples of compulsions include hand washing, tapping, lining up toys, and fixating on routines.

OCD is a deeply uncomfortable state and can make daily life difficult at home, in school, at work, and in relationships. OCD behaviors are a common symptom for kids suffering from PANS/PANDAS, mold toxicity, heavy metal toxicity, and Lyme, to name a few.

Regardless of the initiating cause, homeopathy can be wonderfully supportive for people suffering with OCD symptoms. Homeopathy supports the “underlying terrain”, meaning it’s working to support the body’s own ability to heal itself, not by suppressing the symptom of obsessive thoughts. Rather, what I see clinically is that a well indicated remedy will help ease obsessive thoughts and reduce compulsive actions.

Here are a few homeopathic remedies that can be highly supportive of OCD symptoms. A homeopathic remedy is always selected based on the totality of symptoms, not just one symptom. PANS/PANDAS and other complex and chronic conditions typically require multiple remedies along a healing journey, often starting with:

  • Argentum nitricum - for obsessive thoughts about health, and fears of death, clausterphobia, heights, anxiety before events, and of being late. Often with impulsive thoughts like jumping from a high place and with a compulsion to have things in specific places. A person that would benefit from Argentum nitricum is often very open, sensitive and can be nervous about how others perceive them.

  • Arsenicum album - for obsessive thoughts related to germs and fear of death with a compulsive desire to line things up and create order. A person that would benefit from Arsenicum album is often high strung, busy and quite organized. Physically, they may also be restless, chilly, and may have GI complaints.

  • Nux vomica - for compulsions around order and having things in specific places. May be oversensitive to stimulation, overworked, impatient and irritable, and will typically be preoccupied with work.

  • Phosphorus - for obsessive thoughts that “something bad will happen”, with fear of the dark, thunderstorms, or disease. For a person needing Phosphorus, fears will be relieved when with company and with reassurance. A person that could benefit from this remedy is typically impressionable, good-hearted, caring, and easily takes on the emotions of those around them. Physically, they may have a tendency towards nose bleeds.

  • Syphillinum - for obsessive thoughts related to germs and fear of illness with a compulsion with hand washing, often until bleeding. A person that could benefit from Syphillinum may feel hopeless, have paranoia, and a strong family history of mental health disorders.

There are many other remedies that can support OCD. Finding the right remedy to support chronic and complex conditions can be difficult. It can take time to find the right remedy. Sometimes other interventions are required, like identifying and remediating mold. But when a well indicated remedy acts…it’s wonderful.


“Sandy* is a 15 year old girl with PANS/PANDAS and suspected mold toxicity that sought support for an OCD obsession that something bad would happen to parents, and several compulsions including tapping things and hugging her parents.

After one month on her first homeopathic remedy, her dad reported, “Her OCD symptoms are better! I’d say at least 30%. That’s amazing. I can’t wait to see how far this goes!”

Reach out today to begin your healing journey with homeopathy!


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